روانگردان سالویا در ترک و درمان اعتیاد به الکل و مواد مخدر موثر است .Salvia or Diviner’s Sage In Drug and Alcohol Treatment

گیاه سالویا که از تیره  گیاهان مریم گلی است یک روانگردان گیاهی توهم زا است
سالویا به عنوان یک اگونیست گیرنده کاپا مورفین دارای پتانسیل درمانی در ترک و درمان اعتیاد به الکل و مواد مخدر دارد  
شواهد جدید حاکی از اثرات درمانی این گیاه در بیماری الزایمر و ترک اعتیاد به الکل است
گیرنده کاپاk مورفین (Opioid receptor)(Kappa opioid ...

Salvia or Diviner’s Sage In Drug and Alcohol Treatment

Posted October 19, 2009 at 8:50 pm

Salvia divinorum, or Diviner’s Sage as it is sometimes called, is a psychoactive herb that can be purchased in many head shops where they sell cannabis paraphernalia. I liken salvia to the cheap high that people can get when they drink large amounts of cough syrup, take a hit of nitrous oxide, or huff a can of Dust Off. Salvia can induce psychedelic effects and it can be chewed or smoked. It works on the K-opioid receptor as an agonist. It actually has a low addictive potential, but this has not stopped addicts and alcoholics in drug and alcohol treatment from purchasing it and using it in addiction treatment. While in addiction treatment, many younger adults will turn to these cheap highs to escape. While Salvia is legal right now and can be purchased at any head shop, the DEA has listed salvia as a drug of concern. Many states of made it illegal.
Salvia is among the many drugs that is impossible to detect in common UA drug panels and so it often becomes the drug of choice for people in addiction treatment to get a cheap high from. When Salvia is smoked, the high lasts for only about 1 to 5 minutes. If people in addiction treatment smoke salvia or take it in any form it is considered a relapse. Many addiction treatment facilities are becoming highly aware of the potential for salvia abuse among their population.