دوز مرگ آور ماده مخدر کدئین چقدر است LD50 Codeine

قرص کدئین فسفات
دوز مرگ آور ماده مخدر کدئین چقدر است LD50 Codeine
دوز کشنده و مرگ آور مخدر کدئین 800 میلی گرم است                           
علائم مرگ با  کدئین ابتدا با بیقراری شروع می شود بعد تشنج و در انتها مرگ به علت ایست تنفسی  (آپنه ) ایجاد می شود
البته در کسانی که به مصرف کدئین عادت ندارند گاهی با دوز 500 میلی گرم هم مرگ دیده می شود
دوز مصرفی مرگ آور کدیئن بسته به مسائل زیادی منجمله وزن مصرف کننده  دارد با دوز 12 میلی گرم پر کیلوگرم مرگ در 50 در صد از مصرف کننده گان  ماده مخدر کدئین دیده می شود

Erowid Opioid Vault : Opioid FAQ


Drug Source

Codeine is found in opium in concentrations between %0.1 and %2. Because of the small concentration found in nature, most codeine found in medical products is synthesized from morphine via the methylation of the hydroxyl group found on the second non-aromatic ring.

Trade Name

There are no commercial name for products containing only codeine in US. Found under common name of codeine. Canada does have a codeine only syrup available under Paveral. Mainly found in combination products.

Street Name

T-three's (Tylenol #3 w/ codeine), schoolboy, cough syrup

Medical Uses

* relief of mild to moderate pain
* relief of non-productive cough
* relief of diarrhea




Pain relief : 30 mg - 220 mg oral or equivalent dose SC or IM
Diarrhea relief : 10 mg - 20 mg orally
Cough suppressant : 5 mg - 15 mg orally


Doses can range from 30 mg up to 400 mg. LD50 for codeine is 800 mg in a average nontolerant person. At doses of > 250 mg adverse effects tend to arise, including intense itching, flushed skin, dizziness, sedation, nausea and vomiting

Routes Of Administration

Usually taken orally but can be injected IM or SC. The IV route is not recommended as reactions such as facial swelling, pulmonary edema and convulsions can occur.


as a cough suppressant 5 mg - 10 mg
for pain relief 10 mg - 30 mg


doses are similar to those for pain relief

Routes Of Administration

Usually taken orally but can be inject via three routes. Unknown if hydrocodone can be sniffed or smoked. Sniffing is likely possible.

Short Term Use

CNS, Behavioral, Subjective:
Has similar effects as morphine but less sedation and euphoria
Less depression than morphine.
Less likely to cause nausea and vomiting than morphine.


Hydrocodone is a weaker opioid than morphine but still a effective opioid with similar potency to oxycodone.


3 - 4 hours

Dependency Potential

moderately low, much less potential than morphine

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